Saturday, July 9, 2011

What's That Perfume Your Wearing?

While visiting relatives in eastern Tennessee, this Io Moth just happened to fly and land on a window pane of the house. Needless to say, I grabbed the shutter box and ran outside in the dark and grabbed a couple of quick shots. This one is the better of the lot and it is a little out of focus but what drew me to post it was the rather large feather like antennae.

These are most unusual and rarely noticed by most folks. After a little research, I found that the males have these large antennae and they use them to locate the female of the specie.  It turns out that the females emit a sex hormone that the males are able to detect, thanks to the large number of olfactory receptors in these antennae, up to 11 kilometers away. (Don't ask me how someone figured this out.) Go figure! Apparently, they can detect only 1 molecule of the odour in 1 cubic yard of air. They follow the scent trail depending on the side of the antennae that is getting the strongest scent. It is documented that a single female in a box in the woods attracted over 100 large males to her in just 3 hours time. Now that's a nose to make a coon dog envious! LOL!

Guys, don't ever question your lady when she puts on perfume, ever again. There is a reason for it! Ha Ha! And you better take notice or she may draw in some unwanted competition! Ha Ha!      

                                 Io Moth: Automeris io                                Click for a closer look
"To attract men, I wear a perfume called, New Car Interior."
     Rita Rudner( 1953 -      ): American comedienne, writer, actress

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