Friday, July 1, 2011

A Mountain Stream!

I had the opportunity this past weekend to spend some quality time in the mountains.  One of my favorite places to unwind is the Great Smoky Mountains in eastern Tennessee and western North Carolina. While the lay of the land is rather harsh if you strike out on foot to visit it's natural beauty, you will always be rewarded with the best creation has to offer. Soaking up the beauty and clearing all the cob webs that tend to accumulate from the daily grind comes easy and natural in this part of God's world.

Near the trail head to Baskins Creek Falls, I noticed this beautiful flowing stream. It just beckoned me to come feel it's coolness and try to capture the serenity flowing forth from it's presence. It is hard to understand and even harder to explain all the ways a certain place can speak to you. You must listen deeply and wholely. You must turn out all the garbage we lug around with us and let the music of our maker flow into and through you. And when you are able to do this, then a peace will come to you that you may have never known.

A Mountain Stream
High above
the valley wide
raindrops fall
on mountain side

A common path
you seek to flow
and gather there
a stream to grow

To trickle down
and gather speed
a trail you carve
an fill a need

And further down
the mountain side
on trip down toward
the valley wide

A thing of beauty
you become
on way back to
where you came from

For streams do make
rivers wide
and all flow back 
to ocean tide

Where the magic of
God's geat plan
lifts you up
to start again

©Randy J. Schultz    June 24, 2011


Sheila said...

what a beautiful stream! it is hard to explain how certain places speak to us, and that peace that can come from being in their presence ... I wish I could get my random thoughts out of the way more often ... It takes practice ...

Rick said...

Beautiful compositions Randy - the shot and the words ! This does look like the sort of place where one could cast all their burdens aside and just reflect on the creation and the Creator.

Have a wonderful Sunday !

pumpkydine said...

Thanks Shelia for stopping by. You are right it does take practice and I am afraid I don't work at it as much and as often as I would like. Hope you have a great 4th celebration!

Thank you Rick for visiting again. Every once in awhile I happen across that special place where all earthly issues take second place to the tranquility of our Lord. Hope you have a great week and thanks for your wonderful blog as well.

Anonymous said...

Nice shot! It makes me want to go spend a little time there relaxing.


pumpkydine said...

Thanks Chris for the comment and for stopping by again. I appreciate all comments and yea, I want to spend some more time there also. Can't wait til August! Are you ready?

Anonymous said...

Without a doubt!
I may go ahead and hike up to the lodge next week and just wait there for you guys. LOL!

pumpkydine said...

That is not fair at all! Ha Ha! Ah go ahead, but it might get a little costly! Wouldn't want to keep anyone from spending some good quality time in the mountains.

Susie Swanson said...

What a beautiful stream and poem. You are a very talented poet. You capture the very essence of the subject so well.

pumpkydine said...

Thank you Susie for your very kind words. I give credit for any morsel of talent I "may" possess to our Lord. His creation is really without description but it doesn't keep me from trying to put feelings into words all the while giving the glory to Him.