Tuesday, August 2, 2011


The moment I gave my attention to this Black-eyed Susan, a myriad of insects began paying a visit to this particular flower. And the flower suddenly became a world all it's own, with a story that continued to evolve the longer I gazed upon it's beauty. 

After watching the interactions of the insects with the flower for a few minutes the following things came to mind: Beauty, Diversity, Dependence, Co-dependence, In-dependence, Inter-dependence, Tolerance, Competition, Acceptance, Desire, Need, Co-existence, Appreciation, Sharing, Relationships and the list could go on. Further pondering rendered the simple fact that: just because we humans have intelligence, doesn't necessarily mean we are intelligent. Sometimes nature can make us feel so small, so insignificant. We like to think we understand so much, when in fact we understand so little.

"The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself."
       Henry Miller(1891-1980): American novelist and painter

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