Friday, August 12, 2011

Beauty With a Purpose! The Passionflower

For those flower loving friends out there, do you ever ask why some flowers are shaped the way they are? Well, I ask that question when I took this first photo of a Passionflower, Passion Vine or Maypops as some call them. Why all the elaborate setup of the pistil and stamens? 
Passiflora incarnata 

It all seems like a lot of overkill! Why not something simple like some of the other flowers? 
 Well I know there is a more technical anwser but the next picture I took a few days later gave me the anwser I was looking for.What we look at as beauty, the flower definitely has a purpose in mind for the elaborate display and setup.

Below a carpenter bee lands and is drawn by the pretty rose color of the corona for a possible treat of nectar and at the same time look at where the back of the bee is in relation to the anther of the stamen. Right in perfect position to transfer and receive the pollen from the accumulation on the bee's back. Is this not the perfect design? The anther is shaped perfectly to be touched by the bee when it lands on the flower seeking the nectar it loves. 

Fruit of the Passionflower or Maypop. I remember as a kid finding these along the field edges and jumping on them to hear the "pop" when the fruit busted.
And thus the web of life continues in one small part of the great creation!

Humankind has not woven the web of life.
We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.
All things are bound together.
All things connect.

Chief Seattle, 1854


Rick said...

First off, these are wonderful shots Randy - you captured the design well.

And yes, the Great Designer sure knew what He was doing. I'm always amazed at the intricacies and complexities He built into his creation.

Not sure if you're familiar with this, but you might like this song.

pumpkydine said...

Thank you Rick for the kind comments. I was not familiar with the song and thanks for bringing it to my attention. It is a beautiful song that expresses feelings I've experienced into words I could not put together.