Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Between a Rock and a Hard Place !

While climbing around at about 6000' elevation on the Tennessee-North Carolina state line in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park, I happened upon this little fern trying to scratch out a living between this rock and a hard place. 

Despite it's difficult location, it appears to be doing quite well as the picture below indicates. Sometimes what may seem like a hopeless situation, in all actuality, is a blessing. Being stuffed in between these two massive boulders provides this little high mountain fern with all the protection it needs to shield it from the strong winds that pound this high country environment. The tenacity for life abounds throughout all creation and one may find it in the most unexpected places and circumstances. Ironically, this little fern is perched right across from one of the most magnificent views in the smokies. Thousands of people trod by this spot every year and probably most will never notice this little beauty growing on the wrong side of the trail.

"Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing."
      Camille Pissarro(1830-1903): French Impressionist Painter


Sheila Read said...

I've seen plants growing in some unlikely places, but that's an amazing fern. How on earth does it get enough moisture to survive? Small surprises like this of nature's creativity always make my day ...

pumpkydine said...

I agree. They make my day also! It also makes me stop and ponder the things in my life that I sometimes think are burdens or hardships, when in reality, they should be considered blessings.