Monday, July 4, 2011

A Passionate Hobby!

I hope everyone has a hobby that they are passionate about. We all need that something that takes us away to a place where we can refresh our soul and mend those pains and twangs that seem to come with more
frequency the older we get. Well I use to be passionate about hunting and fishing, but the reward from taking that big deer or catching that big fish has waned over the years. The older I get, the more I find an appreciation for life, for all things. Life is a precious gift from our creator. It is something we take for granted way too often. So now I stalk my prey with camera and lens.  Such was the case with catching this unsuspecting and unaware critter in God's creation having his hand at trying to entice a trout to bite some buggy looking fly...... Hope he caught a big one! Ha Ha! You know, I bet even if he didn't catch a single fish, he still had a great day doing what he loves to do!

"Somebody just back of you while you are fishing is as bad as someone looking over your shoulder while you write a letter to your girl."
     Earnest Hemingway(1899-1961): American Author and Journalist


Sheila Read said...

I don't know how to use a gun (nor do I want to), but it occurred to me recently that stalking animals for photos is a form of hunting. I'm glad you traded the gun for a camera - and for a reverence for all forms of God's creation!

pumpkydine said...

Thanks Sheila. One reason I gave up hunting was the time it takes. Now I am spending twice that much time hunting with a camera. Ha Ha! But I am finding it a pleasurable hobby and I learn something new every time I snap the shutter.