Monday, June 20, 2011

The Honeymooners!

Does anybody out there remember a show on T.V. called the Honeymooners staring Jackie Gleason as Ralph Kramden with his wife Alice back in the 50's or 60's? Well when I shot the following series of pictures it reminded me of that show I watched as a kid. Ralph and Alice were always at it with each other and Ralph ruled the house(so he thought). He was always coming up with something off the wall or his big mouth would always get him in trouble. When ever Alice would give him a hard time, he always threatened to "give her one right in the ole kisser."  As I watched the two Mocking Birds in the bird bath, I couldn't help but think of what would Ralph say to Alice if he came home from work and found her in the pool.  I think it would go something like this:

Alice-      Oh it's a nice day for a swim!

Alice-    Oh the water is just lovely!

Alice-     La De Da! La De Da! This is fun!

Alice-    Oh! Nothing like a little afternoon dip in the pool!

Ralph-   Hi honey, I'm home!

Ralph-  Alice, what are you doing swimming in the pool?

 Ralph-  Have you lost you marbles, Alice, where is supper?

Ralph-    I mean it Alice, where is supper? I've worked hard today and I'm hungry!

 Ralph-   Are you just gonna ingore me, Alice? Come on lets eat!

Ralph-   Alice, one of these days, I'm gonna, pow! right in the kisser, and it's off to the moon Alice!!!!!

 Ralph-   Now come on and lets go!!!! I'm straving!

 Ralph-    Well I got that straight, show her whose boss around here. Who ever heard of swimming this time of the day and no supper ready when I get home from a hard days work!!!!! I believe I'll soak my feet a minute or two!

Ralph-   Hey this ain't half bad, the water actually feels pretty good!

Ralph-   You know, ole Alice might have been on to something here.

 Ralph-   I believe I'll try this swimming thing out for myself!

 Ralph-   Awe, this feels good!

 Ralph-   Awe, this feels real gooooood!
Oh man, I can't believe I haven't been doing this before!

Ralph-   Boy, I better not let Alice catch me doing this after I ran her to the kitchen!

Ralph-   Awe yes the coast is clear! Man I just about broke my neck on that one!

 Ralph-   I believe I'll try snorkeling. This head under water ain't too hard!

 Alice-     Ralphhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Is that you in the pool???? One of these days, Ralph, POW! I'm gonna give you one right in the ole kisser and it's off to the moon for you Ralph!!!!!!!!

Ha Ha Ha! LOL!  I took 74 shots of these two over a matter of several minutes and I just had to show you these 21 shots so you could get a good idea of the antics these two played out. These shots are as they were taken, I just left out a bunch all through the sequence. It has been really hot here lately with the temps in the mid to upper 90's and even the birds have enjoyed an afternoon frolic in the bird bath. Isn't nature just dandy and all of God's creation a blessing to behold.

"Don't marry the person you think you can live with; marry only the individual you think you can't live without."
James Dobson(1936-       ): American Christian author and founder of Focus on the Family


Anonymous said...

That is really funny and some fun shots! Nice.

pumpkydine said...

Well thank you anonymous for stopping by and the comments. I enjoyed watching the pair and their antics just gave the appearance of being a married couple like the Kramdens. It just fit the pictures. I am glad I had a camera close by to catch these priceless shots. Never go anywhere without a camera as you will surely wish you had it. Thanks again for commenting. I do appreciate all comments.

Rick said...

LOL - great series Randy ! Love your captions - they fit the photos so well. (I think I was too young to remember that show - and we didn't have TV till I was 11 !).

Our spring has been cool and fairly wet - hoping for a hot, dry summer.

pumpkydine said...

I remember something you said about never going out without your camera! Well thank goodness I had mine with me when these two honeymooners showed up! Ha Ha! My wife ask me if I was going to start sleeping with the camera and I said: Pow! one of these days, right in the ole kisser! Now I not only get to sleep with my camera but I also get to sleep with our dog too! Ha Ha! Thanks for the comments.

Rick said...

Ha ha - I get similar comments from my wife when I take the camera along (as in - almost - always !). I get comments like "why can't you just enjoy the moment with me", so I leave the camera at home or in the car but mentally I'm making photos (and she can tell :(

Sheila said...

What a great series of photos! I never get tired of watching birds in the bath. And they do flock to it on these hot days ...

pumpkydine said...

Thanks Sheila, I hated to post so many shots but they seemed to act just like some married couples. It was too cute not to post them. I appreciate your comments greatly.