Friday, April 22, 2011


This pair of Canada Geese have been nesting around my office and they brought out their newest edition to the bird family this past Tuesday. Little geese or goslings as they are known are just the cutest things in the world when they are first born. But they soon grow to awkward and somewhat ugly looking teenagers before they develop their adult plumage. Mom and dad brought these four( one is out of the picture) out for a foraging expedition right by my office window. When I moved to grab the camera and their picture, the parents quickly led them back to the lake for safety. The goslings rely and trust their parents fully until they are grown and able to take care of themselves.

"Relationships of trust depend on our willingness to look not only to our own interests, but also the interest of others."
                         Peter Farquharson


Rick said...

Just wondering if you have an open air office in a nature park ;-) Marvelous how these little ones are cared for by 2 parents ! The world could learn about the way things were ordered in the beginning. Great shots Randy !

Have a blessed Easter !

pumpkydine said...

Ha Ha!Its not open air but it is in the biggest and best nature park in the world, called Gods Creation. It helps to have a major river and 8000 acre lake nearby. I am blessed to work where critters have food, water and relative safety to live as they were designed. You are so right about the order in the beginning. The world has put "self" above everything else.
Hope you have a very blessed Easter, my friend.
He Lives!