Thursday, December 10, 2009

To The Far Blue Mountain

You really don't realize just how accustom to the creature comforts you really are until you sling on a backpack loaded with a few meager possessions, water, a little food, minimal clothes and walk away from your vehicle up a rugged trail into the wilderness. Immediately you ask yourself, am I sure about this? Do I really want to do this? Is it going to be worth all the risk and hardship?  Unsure of the day ahead, uncertain if you are capable of the task you have set forth, and feeling a little defenseless in a often formidable environment are a few feelings that hit you quickly after you leave sight of civilization. But, ah, just the sight of the first beautiful view gives you relief and immediately you know this is going to be a good trip. This is a view off the Appalachian Trail looking East, Southeast toward Cherokee, N.C., a little over a mile and a half into the hike.

"Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts."
Rachael Carson (1907-1964): American Nature Writer, Marine Biologist

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