Grey Rat Snake-Chicken Snake
Well you just never know what might fall out of the sky when visiting the woods as I learned some time ago! While traveling through a mature stand of hardwood trees

near an open field I was amazed when this snake landed on the windshield of my pickup truck. Now how many folks out there can say this has happened to them? Ha Ha! Well as it turns out this young speciman of a Chicken Snake had obviously climbed up one of the big hardwood trees and out on a limb. I assume he must have gotten a little excited when I passed under him and lost his grip on the limb he was laying on causing him to fall and land on my windshield. Chicken Snakes are non-poisonous and actually help by eating small rodents and other pests.
"A journey into the wilderness is the freest, cheapest, most nonprivileged of pleasures, anyone with two legs and the price of a pair of army surplus boots may enter."
Edward Abbey (1927-1989): American author and essayist
"A journey into the wilderness is the freest, cheapest, most nonprivileged of pleasures, anyone with two legs and the price of a pair of army surplus boots may enter."
Edward Abbey (1927-1989): American author and essayist